⚡️Burp Suite for Pentester

📝This cheat sheet is built for Bug Bounty Hunters and penetration testers to help them hunt the vulnerabilities. It is designed such that beginners can understand the fundamentals and professionals can brush up their skills with the advanced options.

🔹 Web Scanner & Crawler

🔹Fuzzing with Intruder (Part3)

🔹Fuzzing with Intruder (Part2)

🔹Fuzzing with Intruder (Part1)

🔹XSS Validator

🔹Configuring Proxy

🔹Burp Collaborator


🔹Burp Sequencer

🔹Turbo Intruder

🔹Engagement Tools

🔹Payload Processing Rule (Part2)

🔹Payload Processing Rule (Part1)

🔹Beginners Guide to Burpsuite Payloads (Part2)

🔹Beginners Guide to Burpsuite Payloads (Part1)

🔹Encoder & Decoder Tutorial

🔹Active Scan++

🔹Software Vulnerability Scanner

🔹Burp’s Project Management


🔗Link: https://github.com/Ignitetechnolo.../BurpSuite-For-Pentester

🔖#infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #pentesting #security #Happy_Hacking

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